
畢業之後,我從未回台中,一直沒有理由,也一直有藉口吧?!一個艷陽的週日,因故南下台中,交通意外的暢通,使得整的行程悠遊了起來。近鄉情怯,是否一切如舊?中港交流道先是給了個難題,名字改了;朝馬蓋了高架道路,讓我的人腦 GPS 失效,時間還早,先去吃飯吧。以前從逢甲到東海,中港路兩旁全是稻田,要花好多時間在交通,現在全是高樓大廈林立,變了,一切都不一樣了!


回到母校,逢甲,那可是大大的不同了,現在不是大學,而是商圈,熱鬧極了!我唸書的時候,商家與攤販,多半集中在學校圍牆邊的街道上,現今,從校門開始,向外延伸了四五圈,人潮,排隊的隊伍,讓我錯亂,逃進校園,一波未平一波又起,心神還沒鎮定下來,眼前又是一整個陌生?!新舊大樓交雜,學思園不見了,取代的是施工中的土水大樓;榕樹大道被分割,有部分種草坪,有部份加了裝置藝術,七零八落﹒﹒﹒猶記趕上第一堂課時,灑落在榕樹鬚根的晨曦,伴隨無息的學子腳步,嘆!一陣狐疑,女生宿舍呢?來來回回走了好幾趟,才敢肯定,女生宿舍被拆除的事實!我的青春心事只能留在記憶中了﹒﹒﹒這一番折騰之後,原想去找尋熟悉味道的熱情,全被澆熄了!碰碰運氣吧,巷弄裡的排骨酥攤,外觀變了,只能嚐了才知道,味道一樣只是油膩了;沒了黑輪西施的攤子還在,只是為了更有效率,加快來客率,變的有秩序,卻少了人情味﹒﹒﹒ 我沒有逢甲的照片,最美的角度與鏡頭,都在我的腦海中。



Listen - Beyonce

Listen, to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen, to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release
Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all 'cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroad
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind
You should have known
Now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened
There is someone here inside
Someone I thought had died so long ago
Oh I'm screaming out and my dream to be heard
They will not be pushed aside or burned
Into your own all 'cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroad
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind
You should have known
Oh now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now i've gotta find my own

I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, If you won't
Listen, to the song here in my heart
A melody I started
But I will complete
Now i'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you think you gave to me
But now I gotta find my own
My own


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